Beginner Artificial Intelligence
Regular price $199.00
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Beginner Artificial Intelligence Camp
Course Description
The beginner Artificial Intelligence course is focused on developing simple applications using the four main branches of Artificial Intelligence: robotics, computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning.
You will explore the fascinating and growing field of artificial intelligence and will learn how to program a digital assistant through block-based programming. You will learn how to code for color detection, a mimic robot, a sound-sensitive speaker, and much more!
This course will enable you to take the first steps towards understanding, designing, and implementing solutions for real-world problems using Artificial Intelligence tools. Using scratch programming, you will be immersed in simple AI applications that explore the basic functionalities of artificial intelligence projects. Although this is a 100% virtual course, you can purchase the OhBot Robotic Head 2.1 to see your programming come to life!
What’s included:
- 14 hours of effective learning, plus unlimited creative time through 7 fully documented, self-paced, self-managed learning sequences. See the course syllabus for more details
- Access to our MakerSTEAM web platform
- Computer software application (Windows)
- Official diploma when completing all three Artificial Intelligence courses (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced)
- Intro to Technologies 4.0 course + Demos
- User manual
- Technical support
- Ability to connect your programming to hardware with the OhBot Robotic Head 2.1 (SOLD SEPARATELY). See the product technical sheet for more details
In this course, you will:
- Get AI programming experience
- Mimic human expressions in a robotic head
- Convert human speech to text
- Use computer vision to detect movement, facial expressions, facial features, and apparent age
- Use Excel-based databases for data retrieval
- Feel confident programming AI solutions
- Understand basic AI principles
- Gain ideas for developing simple, yet functional personal projects
- Program using scratch to explore AI
These are the topics covered in this course.
- What is artificial intelligence?
- AI today
- What is a digital assistant?
- Programming environment
- Microsoft Azure cognitive services
- Motor movement by keyboard
- Apparent age
Learn more about Educational Robotics 4.0